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English translation for "fibre reinforced composites"


Related Translations:
reinforce:  vt.1. 增兵,增援。2.增强,加固,补强;补充,增加;添加,补足。短语和例子reinforce a fortress 增援要塞。 reinforce a party 加强党的力量[组织]。 reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土。 reinforcing bar(s) [iron] 钢筋。 reinforce one's health 增进健康。 reinf
fibre reinforced:  纤维补强的纤维强化的
reinforcing girder:  加力梁
reinforced cord:  坚韧软线
reinforcing stimulus:  强化刺激增强刺激
reinforcing struts:  加固撑杆
reinforced belt:  高强度输送带
reinforced seam:  加强焊缝加强接缝
reinforced insulation:  加强绝缘
reinforced binding:  加固装订
Example Sentences:
1.Experimental research on the multiaxial fatigue behavior of fibre reinforced composites
2.Effect of fibre volume fraction on tensile strength of fibre reinforced composite material
3.C - fibre reinforced composite has a high performance , but it is very expensive
4.Plastics . fibre reinforced composites . preparation of compression moulded test plates of smc , bmc and dmc
塑料制品.纤维增强式复合材料. smc bmc和dmc压模试验板的制备
5.Plastics - fibre reinforced composites - preparation of compression moulded test plates of smc , bmc and dmc
塑料.纤维增强复合物. smc bmc和dmc的压缩模制试验板的预先制备
6.Unsaturated polyester resins for low pressure laminating of high strength fibre reinforced composites - test methods
7.Plastics - fibre reinforced composites - preparation of compression moulded test plates of smc , bmc and dmc ; german version en 12576 : 1998
塑料.纤维增强的复合材料. smc , bmc和dmc制模压试验板
8.Properties of unsaturated polyester resins for low pressure laminating of high strength fibre reinforced composites - specification
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